The final version of Lion DiskMaker is now available ! Get it here !
It includes :
- New super cool icon ! Thanks to Benjamin Renaut, aka Nekkotografix ! You can check one of his many blogs here.
- Improved Japanese localization thanks to Masataka-san and François Tcheng. Other translations will come soon !
- The too famous hdiutil error should have been squashed (big mistake from my side, sorry if you got problems with this one).
- And the Can’t get file « private:tmp:MLDiskIcon512.png error should also be history. Or so I hope. It seems to happen on Macs which use a third-party decompression utility like BetterZip, UnArchiver, Stuffit Deluxe… I now force using Archive Utiltiy in every case. Let me know if it works for you.
Finally, I would like to thank everybody for your incredible support and feedback. I am quite overwhelmed and very happy with how Lion DiskMaker is appreciated. Thanks a lot ! And if you donated : double thanks :-)
[Update] : I forgot to mention that Lion DiskMaker is now localized in Chinese ! Thanks to Sébastien L. !